Friday 18 February 2011

Saudi Royals Wary Of Bahrain Unrest

Riyadh is watching the protests and killings in neighboring Bahrain with fear and trembling. With Bahrain’s majority Shia demanding more rights and respect from the Sunni monarchy, the concern is that Saudi Shia, which make up roughly 20% of the population, could rise up as well. In Saudi, the Shia are situated largely in the eastern part of the country, near Bahrain, and virtually on top of oil giant Saudi Aramco’s biggest fields like Ghawar. (Chevron manages oilfields in Bahrain, while Shell, G.E.Total and Dow Chemical all have projects in Saudi Arabia)
In a remarkable admission, Saudi Prince Talal bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saudtold the BBC that the country is in dire need of political reforms. If the authorities “don’t give more concern to the demands of the people, anything could happen in this country,” he reportedly said, adding that the only one who could initiate a reform process is his half-brother, the ailing 86-year-old King Abdullah.
But how likely is Abdullah to even consider a move towards democracy? The king famously rebuked President Barack Obama earlier this month, insisting that the demonstrations in Egypt were not a home-grown uprising at all but the result of Iranian meddling. Likewise, this is a man who will likely view any uprising in Saudi Arabia as fomented by Shite-dominated Iran, and have no qualms about quashing it by force.
Abdullah’s father Ibn Saud unified the tribes of Saudi Arabia and reigned until 1953.
All of Saudi Arabia’s subsequent kings have been his sons. Although Abdullah’s full brother Sultan is the crown prince and technically next in line for the throne, Sultan is widely considered to be in too ill of health to take the job. If that’s the case, the crown would likely pass to the next brother Nayef, 77. But Royal infighting among rival princes will not make the transition a clean one. And any perceived weakness among the Sunni royals could be leveraged by arch-enemy Iran to sew unrest among the Shia.
The outspoken Talal, though a senior royal, is not considered a contender for the crown, in part because in the 1960s he was one of group of princes calling for reform. He does have a lot of skin in the game, though. His sonAlwaleed bin Talal Al-Saud is one of the richest men in the world, a clear leader in the next generation of Saudi princes, and even a potential kinghimself some day.
The questions: are these old Saudi brothers so cut off from reality that they don’t think revolution could come to them? Do they think they could quash uprisings with force? Will they keep fighting each other, or come together to find a new way?
Unfortunately for them, time moves a lot faster now than it did when Ibn Saud ruled the roost. Here’s two Bedouin proverbs to keep in mind at this time: “I against my brother, I and my brother against our cousin, I, my brother and our cousin against the neighbors; all of us against the foreigner.”
And another: “The broth is cooking, and now we have to act as one.”

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